US Defense Secretary Austin discharged from hospital for bladder treatment

2 mins read

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was discharged from the hospital where he was treated for bladder problems on February 11.

In a written statement from the Ministry of Defense (Pentagon) spokesperson, it was stated that Austin was sent home from Walter Reed International Military Medical Center, where he had been hospitalized three times since December 22.

In the statement, it was stated that Austin continues to recover and fully fulfill his duties, and it was noted that he will work from home for a while on the advice of doctors.

US Defense Minister Austin was hospitalized on February 11 due to an urgent bladder problem, and it was stated that he was transferred to the intensive care unit for close monitoring after tests and evaluations.

In a later statement, it was reported that Austin’s diagnosed bladder problem was intervened with a non-surgical procedure under general anesthesia.

Minister Austin, who was diagnosed with prostate cancer in December last year, underwent an operation on December 22, and was hospitalized again on January 1 with extreme pain due to complications that developed after he was discharged.

Austin was taken to intensive care and stayed in the hospital until January 15, and after his discharge, he continued to work from home until January 29.

Austin’s health condition and hospitalization was first brought to the agenda with a statement by the US Department of Defense on January 5, and it was later revealed that senior executives, including President Joe Biden, as well as Pentagon officials and members of Congress, learned days later that Austin had been hospitalized.


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