
Filthy Novel: Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory Rüveyda’s Rebellion -2-

7 mins read
Filthy Novel: Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory Rüveyda's Rebellion

-Kant demonstrated the necessity of delimiting the limits of human cognition when discussing the need to reconstitute metaphysical thought. But neither physics nor metaphysics has served its time enough to take us anywhere anymore. You know, scientific thought has already fulfilled its mission with Freud’s psychoanalytic theory. Even though people think that Freud and his psychoanalytic theory is a therapeutic method, it is about language, art, religion and science, which are the foundations of civilization. So psychoanalysis is actually a study of culture, and one of the most brilliant ideas that this study of culture has produced is Maslow’s pyramid of needs.

This new and modern ecosystem, built by the market economy on human needs, consumption and interests, presents science, and of course physics, as a truth that leads us little people to the truth, while on the other hand it markets human psychology and religion and the metaphysical realm as another truth. States, statesmen and societies no longer have any ideologies or beliefs to which they can dedicate themselves… What we call justice is only to create the political order and economic conditions of the “pyramid of needs”. And the power of law to control and regulate it… The human being is no longer God’s caliph living on earth, but a creature who shapes his life according to his needs, lives accordingly, seeks his path accordingly and wants to realize himself for himself. The battles for justice, rights and law are now always based on this.

-You are too political, you look at life too ideologically, Hayrullah. What we call life is not only about this. There is music, painting, theater, cinema… I don’t know, literature, art… Why do you always exhaust yourself by getting into such discussions? Isn’t there something you love? said Abdulgaffar.

-Like what?

-I don’t know… It could be art, sports or a scientific field of study. Something you like. And if you are so interested in politics, why don’t you join a party? Politics is meaningful when it is done in a political party. Only then will it get you somewhere.

-What have I been saying for half an hour? -I think you don’t understand me. I am against this political system that is already established in the world!

-Hayrullah, I grew up in a political environment. I know very well how much this environment wears you down. Although my father tried to stay away from the political environment, he inevitably became politicized during and after February 28th. Especially my uncle is a very good National Salvation Party member. He always criticized the state and the political environment. How the state victimized the religious and conservatives, how we should protect our religious and national values… He always confined us religiously and ideologically to a certain world view with endless sentences such as the state is a system of oppression and one day a just order will be established and we should work for it. I didn’t run away from Denizli and come here for nothing. I don’t want to exist in this ideological world of theirs. Listening to you now, all these things came to my mind. If you continue like this, these thoughts will eat you up Hayrullah… Why are we not interested in art or sports, we don’t talk about them. Why is our generation still the prisoner of political debates? Think about that too! Rüveyda and I are going to the Çiçek Pastry Shop in Kızılay tonight. If you want to come too…

-What an empty man you are, Abdulgaffar! What do you see in her? She’s a soggy girl with creams all over her. When we shake hands, I get half a kilo of cream on my hand. You can’t kiss her because of the creams on her face!

-Come on, man! She’s very nice. And she doesn’t get all intellectual on me like you. She talks about theater and screenplays. She dreams of being a theater actress one day. She even tries to write a script.

Reading these lines, Rüveyda’s eyes lit up. Even though Hayrullah’s sentences irritated her…

-Dear writer, this Hayrullah is such a jerk. I don’t think you should include him in this novel. His words are too big for a university student. Besides, does our generation even talk about these things?” he warns me under his breath.

-Okay, girl, we’ll see.

-He’s an ox, Hayrullah! – Rüveyda continued to complain.

-You’re right, he’s a jerk, and he’s the kind of guy who’ll get the better of girls like you. You keep sabotaging the novel I’m writing. Oh, by the way, I haven’t forgotten what Sümeyye did. What about the letter you left on my computer?

-Leave us alone, Mr. Author. Let’s see you finish your novel. You won’t be able to finish this novel fighting with me, him, her!

-Girl, I’ll kill you! Or I’ll give you to Hayrullah. Don’t bother me!

-Hah, he started talking masculine again. He says he’ll give me away(!) What do you mean give me away(?) I’m not property. Of course you will, you asshole! Kill me or you’re an asshole!

-Damn you…

click to read part one: 

Hayati Esen

In 2005, he published his first book "Why Sufism". Then in 2012, he published essays on theology, politics and art in various magazines and newspapers. In 2014, he founded the website fikrikadim. The website is published in Turkish and English. In 2023, he wrote a post-truth novel called "Pis Roman". He still publishes his articles on fikrikadim.