House Of The Dragon Is Already Announcing Another Game Of Thrones Spinoff

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In the House of the Dragon pilot, Rhaenyra Targaryen talks about a significant character in Westerosi history whose story may be covered in a spinoff

One of the most eagerly awaited Game of Thrones spinoffs has been skillfully built up in House of the Dragon season 1, episode 1. In addition to House of the Dragon, HBO is already working on a number of Game of Thrones spinoffs, some of which are related to the tale of House Targaryen. The first episode of House of the Dragon shines a bright light on the character who will be the focus of the upcoming largest Game of Thrones prequel, even if the narrative was already hinted at in the original series.

House Of The Dragon Is Already Announcing Another Game Of Thrones Spinoff 1

WARNING: Minor SPOILERS ahead for House of the Dragon season 1, episode 1!

Young Rhaenyra and Alicent can be seen relaxing in King’s Landing under a Weirwood tree in the House of the Dragon season 1 premiere. Rhaenyra is questioned by Alicent about if she actually read the passage from a history book, which described how Princess Nymeria of the Rhoynar gathered the survivors of a bloody fight with the dragonlords of Valyria in order to depart Essos. The Westerosi House Martell and House Dayne’s ancestor Nymeria led the refugees to Dorne by loading them onto 10,000 ships some 800 years before House of the Dragon. To let her supporters know there would be no more chasing after their new settlement, Nymeria ordered the burning of all 10,000 ships after the fleets reached Dorne.

Will There Be 10,000 Ships? The Game of Thrones Spinoff: What We Know

In the Game of Thrones spinoff 10,000 Ships, which has apparently been in development at HBO since 2021, the tale of Nymeria will be depicted on film. Given that Rhaenyra and Alicent’s first substantial contact in House of the Dragon referenced Nymeria’s story and that Arya Stark’s Game of Thrones ending and direwolf paid homage to Nymeria, 10,000 Ships is already firmly established as the next major series in the franchise. However, House of the Dragon isn’t only setting up the Nymeria-centered 10,000 Ships as a potential Game of Thrones spinoff; it will also tease HBO’s upcoming series The Sea Snake, which examines Lord Corlys Velaryon’s renowned Nine Voyages.

10,000 Ships appears to be the most likely Game of Thrones spinoff to be released next, while none have been approved as of yet. The co-executive producer of Hulu’s Person of Interest and Helstrom, Amanda Segel, has already received an order from HBO for a pilot script. As with the other Game of Thrones spinoffs in the works, 10,000 Ships appears to be progressing swiftly in the production stages, however it has not yet been confirmed whether the pilot script has been officially finished and will be filmed. Segel’s participation in the potential show was confirmed when George R.R. Martin announced on his blog in June 2022 that Segel had already submitted numerous drafts of the pilot screenplay.

The spinoff, tentatively titled Ten Thousand Ships, would finally provide a closer look at Dorne, the final territory to join the Seven Kingdoms. Although Dorne is still distinct from the Seven Kingdoms in the House of the Dragon timeline, which is set some time after 10,000 Ships, it will prominently feature a character of Dornish descent named Ser Criston Cole. Game of Thrones’ House Martell of Dorne played a crucial part starting in season 4, however the first season barely touched on the region’s history.

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