The expected news for The Witcher 4 has arrived!

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The expected news for The Witcher 4 has arrived!

Another signal light has finally been lit for The Witcher 4, which was recently announced with a photo.

The expected news for The Witcher 4 has arrived!

The expected news for The Witcher 4, which was recently announced with a teaser, finally reached the players. The last game in the series, The Witcher 3, gathered a huge fan base in pursuit and watched the way of the fourth game. Finally, a statement came from the Polish company about the fourth Witcher game.

The Witcher isn’t the only game coming in with new information this week. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was also announced and excited those who were waiting.

The Witcher 4 has moved to pre-development
The game has been a pretty complicated draft so far. Now, according to Piotr Nielubowicz, chief financial officer of CD Projekt, pre-development has begun. This stage may be the most important process of large-scale games. At this stage, where ideas are turned into drafts, the foundations of the game will be built. After that, we expect to proceed to the development stage, which is a much more painful process.

Cyberpunk 2077’s late release and the constant lying about the game’s status can be considered a reason to distance yourself from this explanation. Still, there’s nothing we can do at this stage other than listen to the company’s statements. Since the development of the game has not yet begun, there are almost no leaks.

At this point, the fans’ theories are the source that connects us to the game the most. According to the general theory that we think will be accepted anymore, we will not play Geralt’s story in the fourth game. Already from the beginning of the series the main character was Geralt, after that we expect to see a different adventure.


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