Polls in the US have failed again: They had predicted that Trump would lose by margin!

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Polls in the US have failed again

Polls in the US have failed again: They had predicted that Trump would lose by margin!

In the US, during the election process, many polling companies announced that Democratic candidate Joe Biden would surpass Republican rival Donald Trump with at least seven points. However, according to the results so far, the election is progressing at the same time, so what was overlooked in the election polls?

Millions of Americans went to the polls in the 59th presidential election to decide whether their president would be Republican Donald Trump or Democrat Joe Biden. While the ballot boxes are closed in the morning with TSI, the race is going head to head.

Polls in the US have failed again

During the election process, many polls announced that Democrat Joe Biden was at least seven points ahead and would win the election. However, according to the latest data, Republican Trump is very close to taking the rope.

Although analysts said that caution should be exercised by recalling the 2016 elections, Biden stood out with a noticeable difference in the survey results.

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So what did the survey companies overlook?

In the United States, the fate of the election is determined by the states called “swing” because they go back and forth between Republicans and Democrats.


6 swing states with 101 of the total 270 delegates to be reached for the Presidency; Florida, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Michigan, and Arizona. According to the current data, Republican Donald Trump is leading the race in many swing states.


Perhaps the most important swing state that will determine the fate of the election is Florida. Here 96 percent of the votes were opened, Trump won all delegates in Florida with 29 delegates.

With 10 delegates, Wisconsin counted 61 percent of the vote, while Trump won 51.6 percent of that vote.

Again, 51 percent of the votes were counted in Pennsylvania, one of the critical states, but Trump seems to be ahead in the latest data. In another swing state of Michigan, 48 percent of the votes were also counted, where Trump is ahead. While 95 percent of the vote is counted in North Carolina, Trump is ahead with 50.1 percent.


In the US, polling companies had also made a big mistake in the 2016 election.

On November 14, 2016, Hillary Clinton was ahead by 1.6 points in nationwide polls. Even on November 8, 2016, when the elections were held, it seemed that Hillary Clinton was ahead of Trump with 3.2 points.


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