How long should couples who want to have a child try to get pregnant before going to the doctor

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How long should couples who want to have a child try to get pregnant before going to the doctor

Having a child is an exciting time for many couples. However, the pregnancy process can be different for each couple. Many factors can affect the experience of having a child. So, how long should couples who want to have children try to get pregnant without going to the doctor? In this article, we will answer this question and provide some key information to help couples.

Differences in the Pregnancy Experience

A couple’s experience of pregnancy can be influenced by many factors. Each couple has a different reproductive system, genetic makeup, age and lifestyle. Therefore, the pregnancy process can be different for each couple.

Duration of Natural Conception

Couples should be patient about how long it takes to get pregnant naturally. Unless they have a medical problem, couples should usually expect to get pregnant after having intercourse regularly for a year. A woman’s chances of having a baby decline rapidly every year after the age of 30. Most experts suggest that women under 35 with no apparent health or fertility problems and a regular menstrual cycle should try to get pregnant for at least a year before going to the doctor. However, for women aged 35 and over, couples should consult a health care provider if they are unsuccessful after 6 months of trying. Women over 40 may consider seeking more urgent assessment and treatment.

Some health problems also increase the risk of infertility. Therefore, couples with the following signs and symptoms should not delay contacting their health care provider when trying to conceive:

For women

  • Irregular periods or absence of menstrual periods
  • Endometriosis
  • History of pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Known or suspected uterine or tubal disease
  • History of multiple miscarriages
  • Genetic or acquired conditions that cause reduced ovarian reserve (chemotherapy, radiation)

For men

  • History of testicular trauma
  • Previous hernia surgery
  • Previous use of chemotherapy
  • History of infertility with another partner
  • Sexual dysfunction

It is a good idea for every woman and her partner to talk to a health professional before trying to get pregnant. They can help you prepare your body for a healthy baby and can also answer questions about fertility and give tips on getting pregnant.


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