9th experiment in space: The rover has started the “MESSAGE” experiment

Alper Gezeravcı, Turkey's first astronaut, started the "MESSAGE" experiment today, which investigates the genes whose function has not yet been discovered that are affected by the zero-gravity environment and their relationship with the immune system.

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9th experiment in space: The rover has started the "MESSAGE" experiment

Astronaut Gezeravcı launched “MESSAGE” today, the 9th of 13 experiments he will perform on the International Space Station.

The “MESSAGE” experiment, in which Dr. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cihan Taştan from Üsküdar University is the project coordinator of the “MESSAGE” experiment, which examines “Aging Effects with Microgravity Experiments on the Space Station”.

The experiment investigates genes whose function has not yet been discovered that are affected by the zero-gravity environment and their relationship with the immune system during space missions. In order to determine these effects, blood samples have already been taken from Gezeravci on Earth and continue to be taken in space. At the end of the mission, blood samples will be taken again following the landing of the rover on Earth.

The experiment is expected to deepen critical understanding of the key health aspects of life in space, contributing to a better understanding of the human health impacts of future space missions.

He has realized 8 experiments so far

Gezeravcı has carried out 8 experiments since the day he reached the ISS.

Yesterday, Astronaut Gezeravcı implemented the Propolis Antibacterial Effect of Propolis (PRANET) experiment, which was the proposal of Muş Science and Art Center students and their teacher Birsen Geçer was the project manager.

Gezeravcı, who started the “gMetal” experiment, which aims to make the propulsion systems of spacecraft more efficient, with Prof. Dr. İskender Gökalp from TÜBİTAK MAM and Ahmet Yozgatlıgil, Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology, as project manager, is also continuing the “EXTREMOPHYTE” experiment, which investigates the physiological and molecular reactions of the endemic halophyte plant Schrenkiella Parvula, which grows in Salt Lake, to the space environment.

Gezeravcı is also continuing “CRISPR-GEM”, which is the first step towards developing new plants to provide the nutrients needed by the large number of people who will live in space in the future and to support environmental controls in closed living environments, and “UzMAn” experiments, which investigate whether microalgae species can be used in life support systems in space.

“ALGALSPACE”, which investigates the use of algae in the space environment in the areas of oxygen regeneration from carbon dioxide, supplementary food supply, water improvement and life support, and “VOCALCORD” experiments, which will enable the detection of vital reactions to life in space with changes caused by “vocal cord” and the identification of disorders caused by low gravity with sound frequencies, are also ongoing.

The “OXYGEN SATURATION” experiment aims to identify the differences and disorders caused by low gravity by calculating the oxygen level of the air given with the support of artificial intelligence.


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