Everything you should know about Apple Vision Pro’s ZEISS lenses

Make sure you purchase the appropriate lenses for your eyes.

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Everything you should know about Apple Vision Pro's ZEISS lenses

If you are a daily glasses wearer and are considering purchasing the Apple Vision Pro, Apple has addressed your needs, ensuring that once the headset launches on February 2, you’ll be covered.

Announced at WWDC 2023, Apple’s spatial computing headset, priced at $3,499, has been showcased extensively, revealing a myriad of features from watching 3D movies to collaborative experiences in apps like Freeform. The Vision Pro promises a comprehensive experience right from its initial release.

However, the enjoyment of this new acquisition could be compromised if the visuals are not crystal clear once you put it on. This is where ZEISS, a German manufacturer renowned for lenses in cameras, glasses, and more, steps in. Starting February 2, ZEISS will offer two types of lenses specifically designed for the Vision Pro.

While this enhancement may seem promising, the question arises: Can you purchase these lenses directly from an Apple Store? Moreover, how much will they add to the already substantial price tag of the Vision Pro? To address these queries, we provide a detailed overview of what these lenses entail.

Everything you should know about Apple Vision Pro's ZEISS lenses

What are ZEISS Lenses?

The two available ZEISS Optical inserts come in two categories: Readers and Prescription, mirroring the familiar options found in regular glasses. Upon your decision to purchase either, these inserts will magnetically attach to your Vision Pro, allowing you to use the headset seamlessly.

According to a recent report detailing the demo appointment experience at an Apple Store for trying out the Vision Pro, it was revealed how Apple plans to integrate ZEISS lenses into this demonstration for potential buyers. Allegedly, Apple Store employees will have a selection of lenses in stock that simulate various prescriptions. The appropriate lens can then be attached to the demo headset, providing a personalized experience. If you choose to purchase the Vision Pro in-store, you also have the option to acquire Readers lenses.

For those interested in the Prescription Inserts, it’s important to have your prescription on hand during the demo appointment. This allows the Apple Store employee to select the right prescription insert for your use with the headset. However, to obtain these inserts, you’ll need to place an online order separately, or follow whatever process Apple outlines once they hopefully release more details soon.

Everything you should know about Apple Vision Pro's ZEISS lenses 1

How much are ZEISS lenses?

The ZEISS Optical Inserts Readers are $99, while the ZEISS Optical Prescription Inserts are $149.

This is in addition to the $3,499 price of Vision Pro, so you may walk out of an Apple Store with at least $3,599 deducted from your bank account.

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How to buy them

Apple has announced that the ZEISS Optical Readers Inserts will be available both online and at Apple Stores in the United States starting February 2.

When it comes to ZEISS Optical Prescription Inserts, Apple has verified that they are exclusively available online. If you have prescription glasses and wish to buy Vision Pro, visit Apple’s Online Store to ensure that the correct lens is available.

Apple also said that not every medication is supported. It may be wise to consult with an Apple Store staff and your optician to see whether Vision Pro will support your prescription.


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