Eiffel Tower rusted

1 min read
Eiffel Tower rusted

According to secret reports leaked to the French magazine Marianne, the Eiffel Tower is rusty and in need of repair.

Eiffel Tower rusted

Completed in 1889, the Eiffel Tower is still standing 133 years later. But confidential reports leaked to the French magazine Marianne show that the monument is in poor condition and rusty.

The tower is allegedly in need of repair, but instead is only receiving a cosmetic makeover for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.

Gustave Eiffel will have a heart attack if he visits here,” an unnamed manager at the tower told Marianne.


The 324-meter-high, 7,300-ton iron tower was built for the 1889 world’s fair.

Eiffel, the civil engineer who designed and built the monument, said that detecting and stopping the spread of rust was the biggest challenge for the longevity of the construction. The tower had to be painted every seven years, he said. “Paint is the essential ingredient for protecting a metallic structure and the care with which it is done is the only guarantee of its longevity,” he said.

Experts told Marianne that the work would be like a cosmetic facelift and that the final result would not be good.


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