What Can You Do When You Feel Lonely and Sad?

7 mins read
What Can You Do When You Feel Lonely and Sad?

What can you do when you feel lonely and sad? Romantic artists such as Caspar David Friedrich, Heinrich Fussli and Goya are said to have made their loneliness and melancholy an exercise in contemplation and inspiration. They were called painters of cosmic twilight, because in the hours before dark, they saw an ideal environment for their creation.

It is true that lonely people often find magical shelters in emotional, artistic and spiritual realms, where they will take refuge, meet and grow in many ways. However, modern times are different, and at the moment loneliness is a silent epidemic that can cause serious mental health problems.

In fact, many people today feel disconnected from their surroundings. This rupture of what gives meaning, transience and purpose to man breeds pain. Because there are a lot of people in this fast world who are confused and at a standstill. Indeed, they look at everything from the perspective of confusion and misunderstanding. However, loneliness is not only caused by isolation. This feeling also occurs when people feel disconnected from those around them. This creates feelings of sadness, frustration and even fear. What can be done in these conditions?

Feeling alone
As we mentioned earlier, loneliness today is a silent epidemic. Similar research conducted by King George Medical University in India suggests that loneliness alone is not a disease, but can trigger the appearance of related ailments.

The problem of loneliness is not that you are physically isolated from others. In fact, this emotion describes a mental state that, in turn, creates a complex emotional reality. In fact, feeling misunderstood, lacking purpose and not being able to find meaning in those around you often creates feelings of isolation.

Let’s take a look at what can help you when you feel lonely and sad.

1. Name it: Tag your feelings
Dealing with feelings of loneliness and sadness does not mean looking for friends. In fact, the answer and relief of your space is not outside, but within yourself. Therefore, you should first name what you feel. This is necessary for him to gain a presence.

A study was conducted by the University of California that reminded us of the importance of emotional labeling. They claim that expressing what you feel in words makes your problem visible. As a result, it can be treated. This is always the first step.

Evaluate the relationships you currently have
You may have a partner, many friends and family that you see frequently. However, it is always good to stock up and ask yourself how these relationships that build your presence make you feel. Do they make you happy? Do they support you? Do they add meaning to your daily life, or do they hinder your dreams, or perhaps even judge the way you exist?

Love isn’t always everything, but good love is. You need a love that enriches you, encourages you and allows you to be yourself. Therefore, when you feel lonely and sad, it is a good time to rethink most of your socio-emotional bonds. Ask yourself if you really deserve to be together.

Ask yourself questions to find out what you need
Talking to yourself is not madness, it is an effective mental health strategy. Because there are times when you work in autopilot, when you let everything happen on its own without ever taking control. Then, for no apparent reason, anguish, sadness and fear arise. At this point you should talk to yourself and ask yourself some questions.

Are you where you want to be? How do you feel about that? What can you do to make me feel better? Where are you in life right now and where do you want to end up?

Slow down and reduce stimulation
Sometimes life flows so fast, it’s blurry. You’re going like someone who climbs the steps aimlessly. Maybe it’s time to get down and downstream to get things done at a different pace. Because slowing down and living a quieter life will allow you to clarify your priorities.

Make small changes
Small changes often lead to large transformations. In fact, the new stages of life usually begin with a simple change in routine. For example, it might be time to restart the work you interrupted. Or maybe you should make that call to a friend you haven’t seen in a while.

Going on a trip, reading a new book, or even going to work in a different way can suddenly allow you to appreciate new facts that you didn’t realize before.

Clarifying your goal: The key to progress
Although we are more connected than ever, we live in a society that makes us feel increasingly lonely, sad and indifferent. If these connections are not real, you fall into a hole of dissatisfaction and get stuck there. That’s not true. You should remember what makes sense to you, what motivates you, and what empowers you to move forward.

You should clarify your objectives from time to time. Because you change over time and you need to update your goals. Explore your inner world. Dive deep into your desires and discover what excites you. This will be the key to getting rid of your sense of loneliness and you will be able to start looking at the horizon with hope.