Strange Signals From the Russian Spy Station Surprised Everyone!

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Strange Signals From the Russian Spy Station Surprised Everyone!

Russian station UVB-76, which is thought to have been used for the communication of spies and has been active since the time of the Soviet Union, surprised everyone with the strange messages it started sending!

Strange Signals From the Russian Spy Station Surprised Everyone!

These so-called “number stations” have been around since World War I, but they stood out especially during the Cold War. They usually broadcast a melody or noise, followed by a human voice or a series of digits with a digitally generated sound.

These stations were thought to have been used to send messages to undercover agents on the ground, especially in several cases when this suspicion was confirmed. Sometimes the stations start emitting random signals at regular intervals.

The “MDZhB” number station, also known as “UVB-76” and “Buzzer”, is in a sound similar to a foghorn every few seconds, and sometimes “What if UVB-76, Either UVB-76.180 08 BROMAL 74 27 99 14.Boris, Roman, Olga, Mikhail, Anna, Larisa.7 4 2 7 9 9 1 4”. One theory about the station is that if it stops cutting messages, it’s catastrophic, for example, a nuclear attack. He stopped sending signals in 2010, but there was no disaster after that. He then moved to another location and continued to send messages. Now she’s back in life, releasing songs like Psy’s hit Gangnam Style and what has been identified as famous memes after spectrum analysis.

The station was allegedly hacked by hackers and the messages were being broadcast for fun. But the mystery of the matter seems to be unsolved for a long time.


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