2022 decoration trends: Colorful and vibrant touches to living spaces

8 mins read
2022 decoration trends: Colorful and vibrant touches to living spaces

The pandemic, which has been in our lives for more than two years, has opened the door to innovations and transformations in different areas such as the many changes it has caused in our lifestyle.

The increase in our yearning for nature in the first place, our serious understanding of the importance of sustainability and our search for our mental health began to blow the winds of change in decoration. Many designers, architects, decoration brands have determined the trends of 2022 in decorations based on the changing needs of consumers.

2022 decoration trends: Colorful and vibrant touches to living spaces

Our houses, which we have been using for some time as both an office, a gym and a relaxation area, the desire to carry the need for nature to the offices, the longing for the past and the constant renewal of technology have also drawn the direction of trends. From multipurpose spaces to biophilic designs that carry the touch of nature to offices, here are the 2022 decoration trends that are set to appear frequently in homes, offices, interiors in 2022:

2022 decoration trends: Colorful and vibrant touches to living spaces 1

Mindful areas

The concept of mindfulness, which has come up frequently recently, welcomes us in the field of decoration and has an impact on our homes and offices. Today, conscious awareness is an important part of the healthy living culture that permeates modern society; therefore mindfulness is considered a very critical component for mental health and a happy life. Peaceful mindful areas that allow natural light transitions, suitable for meditation, comfortable and comfortable items, relaxing objects, living plants, will appear frequently in decorations in 2022.

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Sustainable decoration

The fact that we have better realized the importance of nature and the magnitude of the damage we cause to the environment in the last few years also plays a role in changing the way we view decoration. Sustainable fabrics, minimal approach styles that adopt fewer items that can help save energy, products made from natural products and many more innovations… From building materials to furniture, home textiles to recycled water systems, consumers are turning to innovative and environmentally friendly products that focus on sustainability, shedding light on changes in decoration. Sustainability, which is one of the decoration trends of 2022, shows that environmentally friendly works can be created without sacrificing stunning designs.

Multipurpose venuesMultipurpose venues

With the pandemic beginning around the world, many people who switched from home to work system changed their decoration by creating suitable working environments in their homes in this process. One side of the children’s rooms became classrooms, half of the halls turned into a study or a corner of the kitchen turned into a home-style bar. Both interior designers and anyone who spends more time at home than before have shown their creativity in how spaces can be multifunctional in existing homes. This creativity is sure to continue in 2022, enriching the trend of multipurpose spaces: Meditation-bedroom, office-exercise room, relaxation-reading room and many more…

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Fun foyer

We all know the importance of making a good first impression. Just as when we meet people, we first evaluate them by their appearance, the same goes for our homes. Designers note that the foyer in the houses contains important details about the rest of the house. Colorful shelves, wicker baskets, woven rugs, stylish objects, light-reflecting mirrors and many more stylish products for foyer that reflect yourself, your style, energy will decorate the entrances of houses and places in 2022. If you want to revitalize the entrances of your homes, the tips in “Don’t say corridor: Decoration suggestions for stylish hallways” can guide you.

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3D art

Noting that spending more time in our homes will cause us to get bored with flat walls, the designers emphasize that 3D objects, paintings, works of art will decorate the walls. In 2022, 3D pieces will make flat walls more fun by adding movement, changing the mood of houses, adding excitement and a whole new breath to the walls. Those who want to make their home colorful, more fun and lively will add size to their walls this year.

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Curved furniture

Although sharp lines, deep lines, hard touches will always manifest themselves in furniture, this year the silhouettes of furniture will begin to soften; curved edges and feminine shapes will be at the forefront. Many designers agree that in 2022, furniture will become a work of art in itself. Unusual lines, curled arms, contrasting colors and fabrics of different textures are as we will often see in decorations this year.

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Biophilic design

After being closed in our homes for a long time, our longing for natural areas has been strengthened, causing us to pursue innovations that will make the spirit, touch and influence of nature feel in the interior. This has led to the increasing importance of biophilic designs. Biophilic designs aimed at combining modern structures with the need to relate to nature create calming environments with natural materials and revive spaces with green plants that provide plenty of fresh air. The trend of biophilic designs, which will be frequently encountered in decorations in 2022, seems to be that this year will bring many office buildings, residences and hotels intertwined with nature.

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Traditional touches

You must have noticed that the ‘vintage’ winds have been blowing in the fashion world for a long time. Now it’s time for furniture and home textiles. Antique cabinets, wooden tables, embroidered fabrics, decorative products with traditional lines, rugs bearing the smell and texture of the past… This year we will often see traditional items that add instant warmth to every environment they touch.

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Bonus: High-tech homes

The rapid development of technology day by day mobilizes many designers and tech enthusiasts to update their decorations, and advanced technology is successfully integrated into decoration. Powerful technology combines with design and decorations get smarter. Smart lighting, cinema-sound systems, state-of-the-art home appliances, automatic kitchen equipment, security systems and much more are likely to continue the decoration trends of 2022.


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