Five Keys to Help You Combat Academic Stress

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Five Keys to Help You Combat Academic Stress

Five Keys to Help You Combat Academic Stress

As the exams get closer, what all the students want to prove with their grades is how hard they work. Their task is to pass all the exams with good scores. Because students are stressed about it, both parents and children should be aware of a number of keys that can help them to deal with academic stress.

Nowadays, stress is a problem that can become chronic if it is not intervened in a timely manner. The first step to reduce the level of stress is to become aware of the elements that cause it.

Five Keys to Help You Combat Academic Stress

Plan your time

Lack of plans leads to academic stress. Not planning will make us think that we are wasting time. Review certain topics, work and organize each day of the week with some work to be done. By doing this, you will not only internalize the knowledge, but also reduce your anxiety, tension and facilitate the fight against academic stress.

You can start work by making a weekly schedule. It is important to be realistic and evaluate the time well. So you can put forward your priorities. By the way, do not forget to take into account other issues, such as distraction and dec.

During the exams, we try to sleep less so that we can study harder. However, sleeping and studying are behaviors that should be carried out together, and both are equally important. Sleep helps the brain process information learned during the day.

Do not allow yourself to be distracted.

It is not easy to spend long hours trying to learn different subjects. Therefore, we should stay away from things that distract us. Do not hesitate to push away anything that distracts and interests you.

First of all, choose a suitable place to work. You should be comfortable in the place you choose, and everything you need should be at hand; your notes, computer, books, pens, etc. as. Here you should create an environment that is beautiful, interesting and free from distractions.

Avoid a noisy environment, mute your phone, and stay away from alerts that draw your attention. Concentrate on your responsibilities. Remember that you set a time for distractions in advance, and after you’ve done everything, you’ll use that time to have more fun.

Take breaks.

It is important to divide your working hours. You don’t have to study for hours without taking a break. It is necessary to take a break so that you clear your mind a little. Take this time as an opportunity to rest your tired eyes while sitting and to stretch and move your tense muscles. It is much more convenient to deal with academic stress by giving yourself relaxation breaks.

You can give these break times in accordance with the working hours you set. For example, taking a break for a few minutes after finishing a topic is important to maintain the intense concentration needed. During these rest periods, it is recommended to do an activity with a beginning and an end. This means that this activity is a short physical activity; like hanging your clothes or tidying your room.


The mental effort we spend while working can make us feel very tired and stressed. Dealing with academic stress is necessary and important because the accumulated feeling of fatigue has negative effects. In this context, exercising can help you get out of your routine and distract you from your studies for a while. In addition, exercise causes the release of endorphins, which stimulate your memory and make you feel better all the time.

So if you normally do a sport, don’t stop doing it during exams either. Because exam times are when you need exercise the most. Try walking or jogging in a park. Because being in touch with nature helps you relax and unwind.

Relaxation techniques to combat academic stress you can apply. Today, mindfulness techniques are very popular as they make us more aware of the work we do and cause us to know ourselves more deeply. These techniques keep us in good shape, improve our self-esteem, and reduce blood pressure and muscle tension. Here are some examples for you:

Listen to music: It improves your mood, stimulates your brain and helps you disconnect from the lessons for a while.

Deep or diaphragmatic breathing: Lie on your back and place your hand on your stomach and focus on your breathing.

Directed thoughts: Breathe from your diaphragm, close your eyes, and intensify your thoughts by thinking of a place that gives you peace and quiet.

Although these may seem very difficult at first, by applying them, you will find that dealing with academic stress will be much easier than you imagined. Sooner or later, you will start doing these applications automatically, without difficulty. This key information not only helps you during exams, it can be applied in other areas as well.


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