
Giant Tech Companies Invest $675 Million in Humanoid Robot Startup Figure AI

Tech Titans Back Humanoid Robot Startup Figure AI in $675 Million Funding Round

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Giant Tech Companies Invest $675 Million in Humanoid Robot Startup Figure AI

Investing in the future: Big players like Jeff Bezos, Microsoft, and Nvidia are pouring millions into Figure AI, a company developing human-like robots. This massive $675 million funding round reflects the surging interest in AI robotics and Figure AI’s potential to revolutionize the field.

Key players and investments: Bezos’ firm, Explore Investments, contributes $100 million, while Microsoft and Nvidia chip in $95 million and $50 million, respectively. Other notable backers include Intel, LG, Samsung, and leading venture capital firms.

Figure 01: The robot aiming for real-world impact: Figure AI’s flagship project is Figure 01, designed for hazardous tasks currently deemed too risky for humans. This aligns with the industry’s push to leverage AI for practical solutions.

Steady ascent and rising expectations: This funding round follows Figure AI’s previous success, securing $70 million in 2023. CEO Brett Adcock aims to be the first to bring commercially viable humanoid robots to market.

Tech giants see the potential: The participation of tech giants like Bezos and Microsoft underscores their belief in Figure AI’s potential to advance AI technology significantly. OpenAI’s interest further solidifies Figure AI’s position as a leading contender in the competitive AI robotics space.

Milestone achieved, but the journey continues: Figure AI is exceeding its initial target of $500 million, reflecting investor confidence. The final agreements are expected to be finalized on Monday, paving the way for Figure AI to further develop its revolutionary robots.

The future unfolds: As the AI robotics industry flourishes, Figure AI stands at the forefront, fueled by this substantial funding and a vision for transformative robots. The industry eagerly awaits Figure 01’s development and its potential to address labor challenges and enhance workplace safety.



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