The US election and the future of Western democracy

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The US election and the future of Western democracy

The US election and the future of Western democracy

There was a presidential election yesterday in the largest 3rd World country. The USA, this country where President Trump, who wants to rule the country like his father’s farm after he came to power by elections, and declared in advance that he would not regard the election result as legitimate if he did not win, risked everything in order not to lose the seat.

Keep read:

Trump: We won this election!

USA chooses its new president

“3. The term “World” was used to describe the countries outside the Soviet Bloc and the Western sphere of influence in the bipolar world that emerged after World War II. These were countries with underdeveloped economies, unstable political regimes, and trying to stand by leaning on one of the two poles. When elections were to be held in these countries, Western countries, who were sure of the health of their own democracies, would send observers to these 3rd World countries and check the compliance of the election with the rules. The USA has become such a country thanks to President Trump. Neutral observers will serve and report to oversee the US elections.

US model or Chinese model?

The unrivaled leader of the world with US military power and still a leader with its economic power, but China feels its breath on the neck and it seems inevitable that it will fall to the second place. There is a similar situation in the technology race. It is seen that the USA is on foot and is incapable of creating a strong state administration by adapting its political system to the requirements of the day.

The fact that someone like Donald Trump could become the President of the United States brought new dimensions to this phenomenon, and now, at the point reached, whether liberal democracy is an indispensable element of capitalism has started to be discussed seriously. In the last two weeks, important articles were published in the English media I watched, discussing the reasons for the success of the Chinese administration, which took the most effective measures against the COVID-19 pandemic and also managed the economy well. For example, Ray Dalio, the founder of Bridgewater, one of the leading figures in the financial world, had a very interesting article in the Financial Times. It is possible to think that the West is in search of new syntheses before the US election.

How did Trump become president?

It is no coincidence that Trump can sit in the presidency and want to create an arbitrary administration by violating all the rules of the state administration. It should not be forgotten that Democrat Barak Obama, who was given the Nobel Prize with great hopes before Trump, served as president for two terms and was incapable of solving the country’s fundamental problems. It is known that the Obama administration has not been effective in finding solutions to the growing inequality and strengthening the role of the USA in the world.

It is not surprising that, in the new picture created by globalization and the transformation in technology, in an environment where the global elite, which stands out in every field, lost their job security and felt excluded, supported Trump, who promised them a different America.

Why Trump did not succeed

The approach of Donald Trump, who had a say in the state administration for years and came from outside the cadres representing the established order, and who wanted to replace the established order with his own arbitrary administration approach, made it difficult to find suitable people in the US bureaucracy. Many of those who hoped for Trump and wanted to use his chance to rise in the state office moved away because of Trump’s character.

There have been serious problems in Trump’s relations with business circles that have an influence on US politics. Most of those who agreed to join the president’s advisory council had to leave soon. Trump’s arbitrary decisions to start trade wars also drew the reaction of the business world. In return, it gained the admiration of the business world for its generous tax cuts.

Trump entered the year 2020 with hope. In his speech at the opening of the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, he launched his election campaign and spoke about his unique success in the economy. He was sure he would win the election, but he did not take into account the Corona epidemic, which will come to the world agenda a few days later. After all, Trump’s display of ignorance and primitiveness in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic has by far led the USA to become the country most negatively affected by the epidemic and lost a record number of people, and its chances of being re-elected have been severely hit.

Joe Biden, who will take over if Trump loses the presidency, seems to face critical choices that will affect not only the future of the US but also the Western model.

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