“Can flies carry Covid-19 virus? Can flies, mosquitoes transmit coronavirus covid-19 virus?”

4 mins read

With the arrival of the summer, one of the most common questions is, “Can flies carry Covid-19 virus? Can flies, mosquitoes transmit coronavirus covid-19 virus?” It was the question.

"Can flies carry Covid-19 virus? Can flies, mosquitoes transmit coronavirus covid-19 virus?" 1

The frightening answer to this question was answered by scientists, “Mechanically, the risk of flies being able to carry the virus is high. We can say that these are creatures that may be contaminated when placed on the fruit you eat after contact with Covid-19.”

Veterinary medicine Faculty Member Aycan Gazyağcı stated that a scientific study has not been carried out at this time that mosquitoes or houseflies infect new types of corona viruses (Covid-19).

Saying that it is too early to say this, Gazyağcı said, “But mechanically, flies have a high risk of carrying the virus. We cannot say this only for mosquitoes. Houseflies are also living things that are in the dump and can enter houses later. Also after their contact in a place contaminated with Covid-19. We can say that there are creatures that can be contaminated when placed on the fruit you eat. ”

Dr. Faculty Member Aycan Gazyağcı


Gazyağcı stated that the flies can carry the virus with their legs and mouth without taking them in their body, saying, “It takes me to another place. Whether it is on a metal surface, on a plastic surface, or on the food, these are things that always change the contamination.We cannot say that it will definitely infect or not. “Corona virus is not only corona virus, but can also infect varieties of viruses such as West Nile Virus. Flies can infect many diseases and viruses. But corona virus can also be included in these.


Gazyağcı, who also touched on the increase in the number of mosquitoes especially in metropolitan cities, stated that mosquitoes are living creatures that breed in watery environments. Gazyağcı said, “This situation may have occurred because we had difficulties with our fighting techniques in this period. Many spraying techniques could not be performed because of Covid-19 situations such as curfew. In this period, the municipalities have to continue their work without interruption. Individuals can also protect themselves in lotions and various insect repellents during this period. Or, they can wire their windows in their homes and physically fight them. required officials need to work together on this matter at the same time. ”


Gazyağcı also stated that some mistakes were made against the flies, “Municipalities make some mistakes about spraying. For example, there is no point in fighting against adult mosquitoes during the hot hours of the day. Because the fly is active at night. It is very difficult to find a fly in the twilight or during the day. “The fight against flies should not be done during the day. The fight against adult flies is more successful in the periods when they are aquatic rather than spraying.


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