I just watched a movie: Enola Holmes

14 mins read
enola holmes

I just watched a movie: Enola Holmes

I just watched a movie. But let me tell before I read. I will tell the story of the movie from beginning to end. Therefore, those who do not watch the movie should not read it. Or let them read by covering their faces and looking through their fingers.

The movie takes place in 19th century England. Our main character is a 16 year old young girl. His name is Enola Holmes. The surname Holmes reminds you of Sherlock Holmes, doesn’t it? Enola is already his sister. Enola loses his father at a young age. Both of his brothers are leaving home to make their own lives. Enola lives with her mother in a small provincial town. Unlike that period, his mother raised him differently. He doesn’t sew and teach the rules of courtesy. He experiments with him, plays chess, teaches martial arts, teaches science and literature books. He is doing his best to make Enola himself come into existence.

Of course, they portray the most ideal in movies, but I see that while raising children we watch in western movies, they generally direct their children to become individuals and to gain their own personalities. How much do they achieve this? Another topic of discussion. Let’s go back to our movie. When Enola turns 16, her mother suddenly disappears. More precisely, he leaves the house. Enola naturally calls his brothers. His elder brother is very strict and judgmental of both his mother and Enola with his traditional character. His other brother Sherlock Holmes is the detective we know. Never giving up the principles of his own private life and never ceasing to think rationally …

I just watched a movie: Enola Holmes 1Enola followed all the cases of his detective brother in the newspaper. Although he has been away from him for years, he is in a sense close to him. He is actually a little detective with the influence of his older brother and the education his mother gave. In this respect, the film evoked the idea that in order to take a person as a role model, that person does not have to be very close, even if they are far away, they can influence a teenager. I also agree with that. Throughout the movie, they don’t get together with Sherlock Holmes, but they do bond with each other. Anyway, let’s go back to our movie. What were we saying? Enola sets out to find her mother. More precisely, he runs away from home. Because his elder brother wants him to give him to a boarding school, learn the rules of courtesy, and get married lady lady. Do you think Sherlock Holmes is opposing like a savior? No, because he doesn’t interfere with the events in the movie himself. I think he wants to see what Enola can do. There is also a striking scene of Sherlock in the movie. He states that he is not involved in politics and events, he is just doing his job. Her mother is missing, her sister has fled; Our Sherlock does not give up on its principles. It didn’t sound very realistic, but let’s see what happens.

Enola tries to decipher the gift cards his mother left for him before he ran away. Thus, by decrypting the large amount of money he left at home, he escapes. He will go to London by train. The journey does not go as expected. Again, a man of his own age ran away from home. He first finds this young man, whom he later learned to be a noble lord, stupid and vulnerable. He saves him from the killer chasing him on the train. Throughout the film, the image of the rescued girl is trying to collapse. Enola is always in the savior role. One of the situations that catches my attention comes to mind from his mother’s advice: A man should never be distracted or deviate from his purpose… But Enola makes his own choice at these points. It determines its own preferences and draws its own path. I got the message. But after this age I hope it works. Enola learns to make her own choices. Although these preferences first lead him to confusion, then we see that the risks he took work both in self-realization and in solving the events.

I just watched a movie: Enola Holmes 2

Their paths parted in London with the young lord on the train. Where does this teenager come from? It makes you think he needs to find his mother, but you know the movies. The script has thought and designed everything. We also have stupid questions. Enola discovers that her mother is the leader of a revolutionary feminist organization. He remembers the meetings he hid from him when he was young. This is the way he raised him, anyway. When Enola was able to stand on his own feet, his mother had to let him go to make the revolution. But Enola doesn’t stop trying to find him. He tries to contact his mother by trying to decipher the advertisements in the newspapers.

Honestly, I took on the role of narrator and I started getting bored. I want to tell the solution of the events as soon as possible. He catches his older brother Enola in London. Leaves to boarding school. Meanwhile Sherlock Holmes comes to visit him, with a newspaper. There is very important information in that newspaper. To whom do you think the youngest vote in the House of Lords belongs to the reform package that gives women the right to vote in the parliament? The young man on the train that Enola finds silly, he always had to save… Enola realizes that what he has to do is resolve the situation of this young lord. He received the tip from his older brother Sherlock Holmes. “If you want to catch the shark, you have to put your feet in the water.” Sherlock Holmes makes you feel the unbearable detective in the film.

Anyway, Enola goes to their mansion with the young lord. We said they need to find the shark. This young lord ran away from home, but instead of finding him, his family followed a murderer. They need to know who did this. Who wants to prevent him from voting? Even if his uncle is suspicious in the movie first, tatata tatam, his grandmother comes out! Because his grandmother is devoted to the past and tradition and does not want reform or innovation.

I just watched a movie: Enola Holmes 3

Many metaphors are used in the film. Women who want change and women who don’t want change. They wanted to say, are we against us? Anyway happy ending! Reform is underway thanks to one vote of our youth. The first and big step is taken for women. Do you think Enola is getting his mother? They meet, but this is a short-lived emotional moment, as her mother has a lot more to do. Enola already has more confidence in himself. So if you’re wondering what happened with the young lord, will they ever be dear. No, that doesn’t work either! They have a friendly meeting with him. The young lord wants him to stay with him, but Enola refuses. At the end of the movie, Enola rides his bike to freedom, “alone” as his name spelled backwards.

It was interesting that they were able to bring Sherlock Holmes together with a feminist revolution in the film. It wouldn’t come to our mind if we think about forty years. They didn’t make Sherlock Holmes a dominant character in the movie. As I said, it does not interfere with the lives of his mother or sister. But he leads his sister from bottom to bottom. In a way withdraw Sherlock; It might be to feature Enola as a detective. It happens… He finds many things before Sherlock. Sherlock likes it like that, too.

As for Enola, it was a very suitable casting choice for the character. It reflects the character very well with its appearance and acting. It feels natural, sweet and sincere. One of the things I like about the movie is Enola’s conversation with the audience. He looks at the camera and describes the situation. This allows the audience to participate in the movie. It adds a vitality.

The details that caught my attention are the women of that time having to wear those big dresses, and worse, wearing a corset to show the body and hips upright. If I lived in that period, I do not know how I would have tolerated it. In the future, there will be interesting future events in our present situation. I mean, it is a little unnecessary to be surprised at how it was happening back then.

I love the cuteness in movies. The detective-patterned trailers, cute postcards and pens, a shabby house in vines, and steamy, nostalgic items reflected that period beautifully. Again to go to London, streets, buildings and cafes of that period; takes you on a historical, beautiful journey. The train he took on his way from his town to London reminded me of our Eastern Express. Green hills and trees were the scenes that appealed to the eyes.

I just watched a movie: Enola Holmes 4

One of the most impressive scenes was the young lord’s grandmother’s conversation with Enola under the century-old trees. I loved those big trees. It symbolized time, experience, accumulation. The air they had created was very good. The struggle of the past and tradition with innovation was well-enacted in the grandmother’s enigmatic attitudes and speeches. When Enola caught the hit man who wanted to kill the young lord and asked whose man he was, he answered “England” was another fascinating moment.

In fact, we were watching the clash and pain of the old and the new behind the characters. The characters seemed to me to represent a thought. Enola, future and new ideals; young lord, the way to innovate; grandmother, tradition and history resisting the new …

In recent times, messages seem more prominent in movies or books. Characters and fiction are based on messages to be given. This situation was abundant in this movie. Enola is the new young girl model: the one who doesn’t expect to be rescued, on the contrary, savior, free, self-confident, not doing what is expected, choosing her own preferences… I have no objection to these. But so much merit and so much idealism; It speaks neither to the fantasy world nor to the real world. Use your personal development style like “The future is in your hands, you can succeed, you are alone and free …”


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